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Humbled, but Happy. 16.2

Is that what you felt after 16.2? I did. It was the thought of the weight that drummed in my head since it was announced. Whew. Pressure. Doing the scaled version, I knew I had the knee raises and singles with no problem. But, once it hit the 3rd round, I knew I was in for a challenge with the weight on the bar.

BUT - on the other hand, I set a goal (get ONE 95# squat clean) and I smashed the goal (got 5 of them). THAT is what taking place in something, like a competition, can do for your mindset. It makes you think, "if not now...then when?" (which just happens to be written on the shirt I have worn during my Open judging just might see it again this weekend).

And, what incredible support. Friends who are not CrossFit at Monroe Mill (CFAMM) members: if you do not have a Box that is full of people supporting you to do your best - no matter WHAT your level of fitness might be, you are in the wrong place. I am not even sure how many people were cheering, encouraging, keeping me calm, etc. when I was doing 16.2 - but THAT kind of support makes you humble too, ya know? And in return, I wanted ALL of them to do their best and get as many reps as possible so that they smashed their goals (Beth Prater and Crystal Wilkerson - I am thinking about you both!).

What does CrossFit or your fitness community do for you? Does it make you conquer fears that can translate into the way you live your life? My Box does that for me. Why, at age 47, am I trying to learn handstand pushups? Why have I set a goal to get over my fear of box jumps this year? Because every victory in the gym reminds me that "I can do hard things." That makes other aspects of my life - at home, at work, with my kids, etc. - that much better. I cannot imagine the mess I would be if I were not working out. The Open takes it a step further, it makes you push that much harder, which makes you face those fears head-on. You can do it too - I know you can. If you didn't sign up for the Open this year, make it a priority next year.

Just in case you are keeping track - I am still in the top 100. For Masters Women (age 45-49) in Georgia. I will take that ranking and it will make me least until Thursday around 8 pm Eastern when 16.3 is announced (gulp).

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